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Bose Music Amplifier

Sold from 2022 – present

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Setting up your product

Learn how to set up your product, connect components and enjoy the benefits of all its features.

Set up the Bose Music Amplifier.

Before you begin

  • Install the Bose app icon on device. For more info, see Downloading the Bose app
  • Turn on Bluetooth® on your mobile device
  • If using a wired Internet connection, connect an Ethernet cable from the either <...> jack on the amplifer to an router or access point
  • If you've already connect the amplifier to power, the status light on the back of the amplifier should be blinking amber. If it isn't, you will need to put the amplifier into Setup mode. For instructions, see Putting a system into Setup mode

Set up your amplfier

  1. Remove the speaker A terminal block from the back of the amplifier and connect two pairs of speaker wires to the terminal block using a screwdriver.
  2. Plug the terminal block back into the amplifier.
    If you have a second pair of speakers that you would like to play in conjuntion with the first pair, repeat the process with the speaker B terminal block.
  3. Connect a power cord from the amplifier to a power outlet.
  4. On your mobile device, open the Bose app. If you are not signed in, sign in or create an account.
  5. If prompted to allow Location Services, Local Access Network, or Bluetooth® permissions for the app, allow them. These are used so the app can detect and control your product. If you do not allow them, the app will not find the amplifier.
  6. Tap on the + button. The Set Up New Product screen will appear.
  7. Select Smart Speakers, Soundbars & Amps. The app will begin to search for products compatible with the Bose app.
  8. On the Add Product screen, swipe left of right to find your product then tap Add
    If the Add Product screen does not appear, tap the My Bose icon icon in upper-left corner then tap the + to add a product. If the app cannot find your amplifier, see App does not detect Wi-Fi product during set up.
  9. Select your wireless network and enter the network password, then tap Connect.
    For hidden networks, tap Manually Enter Wi-Fi, then enter the network info.
  10. Select a name for the amplifier or enter a custom name then tap Next.
  11. On the Sharing screen, select Yes to let other Bose app accounts on your network use this product also. Or, select No Thanks to keep this product only on your account.
  12. Select the voice assistant you want to use and follow the app instructions to add it. If you don't want to use an assistant or want to add one later, tap Skip in the upper-right corner. For more info, see Adding or removing the Amazon Alexa voice assistant or Adding or removing Google Assistant.
  13. Tap Get Started to begin using your amplifier.
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