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Acoustic Wave® music system II 5-CD changer

Sold from 2006 – 2015

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Connecting to power

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Attach the Multi-Disc Changer power cord.

The Multi-Disc Changer comes with a short power cord that is permanently attached. The power cord of the Wave system is detachable. To connect both the system and disc changer to power, follow these steps:
  1. Remove the power cord from the Wave system
  2. Connect the molded end of the short power cord on the Multi-Disc Changer to the power cord jack on the Wave system. Be sure it is firmly seated
  3. Connect the molded end of the long power cord to the power cord jack on the Multi-Disc Changer. Be sure it is firmly seated
  4. Connect the two-prong plug at the other end of the power cord to a working power outlet
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