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Bose Music Amplifier

Sold from 2022 – present

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Network Ports used by Bose Wi-Fi speakers

Find which network ports are used by Bose SoundTouch speakers as well as smart speakers that work with the Bose app. This info can be useful for an advanced setups, enterprise networks, or troubleshooting.

Bose systems on your network use the following ports:

Port Type Service or Protocol Used By
80 TCP Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) AirPlay, SoundTouch / Bose Music
123 UDP Network Time Protocol (NTP) SoundTouch / Bose Music
443 TCP Secure Sockets Layer (SSL, or "HTTPS") AirPlay
554 TCP/UDP Real-Time Streaming Protocol AirPlay, SoundTouch / Bose Music
1900 UDP Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) Bonjour
3689 TCP Digital Audio Access Protocol (DAAP) AirPlay
5350 UDP NAT Port Mapping Protocol Announcements Bonjour
5351 UDP NAT Port Mapping Protocol Bonjour
5353 UDP Multicast DNS (MDNS) Bonjour, AirPlay
8080 - 8085 (PC)
8085 - 8089 (Mac)
TCP/UDP HTTP, DLNA SoundTouch / Bose Music
8090 TCP HTTP SoundTouch / Bose Music
8200 TCP Media server Spotify
8883 MQTT Remote connections Alexa Skill
17008 TCP Bose Proprietary Bonjour, SoundTouch / Bose Music
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